


XionGaTaosenai said:


Pity systems, exp boosts, and rate ups aren't what define a game as a gacha game - that would be like saying that Overlord isn't an isekai because its protagonist never gets hit by a truck. Any mechanic in a game where you spend a limited resource in order to obtain a randomized reward is a gacha mechanic. If engaging with a gacha mechanic is part of a game's core gameplay loop, with mechanically relevant (as opposed to purely cosmetic) rewards that cannot be obtained via non-randomized means, then that game is a gacha game.

Ship construction and event rewards in Kantai Collection are randomized, and as far as I know, there is no non-randomized way to obtain the vast majority of shipgirls. I know that the resources you use for construction and running events in KC can be obtained for free via grinding, which is definitely not the norm for a gacha game, but I had assumed that there was some way to obtain resources faster or run events more often by spending real money, encouraging players to pay up in order to "skip the grind" - after some quick research, it seems I might have been wrong about that. Still, it's undeniable that the core design of Kantai Collection revolves around enticing players to "roll" on ship construction and events as much as possible, with new batches of girls added to the game periodically in order to keep players hooked who might otherwise get everything they wanted and stop playing. Whether the goal is to tempt players into spending money or simply to monopolize as much of their time as possible via grinding, the backbone of KC's gameplay loop is still a textbook Skinner Box that uses "waifus" as bait in order to lure players into the box and keep them there. Saying that Kantai Collection is morally above any other gacha game that does the same thing is preposterous.

It's been years since I had dabbled with KC and while it has a gacha mechanic, I wouldn't really consider it a gacha game in operation. Monetization of the game primarily appears to be through inventory limiting (paying to keep more waifus) and marrying (character stat improvements). Yes you obtain ships and gear through a gacha system, but obtaining resources wasn't so difficult obtain and there was no limited time gacha to make you desperate to spend your resources to use the gacha. If anything the game was designed to really only use the gachas in between events, since players would need to horde resources in preparation for event maps. AL is a truer gacha than KC by having limited time gachas (though again still with a relatively easy to earn currencies) while also having the same inventory limiting and marrying aspects. Even then, they're both imo not a pure gacha since imo their monetization isn't directly through the gacha mechanic but through other routes. Skins, inventory expansions, marrying, etc.

When I think of a modern pure gacha I think most people imagine those where the gacha is predominantly restricted to currency mostly obtained through purchase where free to earn currency tends to be limited to do the gacha. Games like Genshin Impact are a good example, where there can be a lot of pressure to fork out money to roll for a new limited time character before you have to wait months to potentially have the chance to roll on again, and where even gear is predominantly obtained through gacha mechanics with the best gear locked behind the gacha.

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    CompassRose said:

    Mika's behavior makes more sense when you realize who she shares a VA with. Pay attention not just to her appearance, but her voice lines as well.

    I dont think Hikaru Akao voices anyone in KC, didnt you meant Iida Hikaru who voices Conte and Tamanami?

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    XionGaTaosenai said:

    Pity systems, exp boosts, and rate ups aren't what define a game as a gacha game -

    YES THEY ARE but because those are part of the overall liveservice scheme which gachas are part of.

    Gacha is essentially a monetization model which the user pays with in-game currency to enter a draw in order to obtain the character or item they want. If a player does not obtain what he hoped for, there is the option of paying with his own money for more draws, and this is the main way to monetize the Gacha games. The things you mentioned are literally added to gacha games in order to attract more people into the main gacha system.

    KanColle is far from that, the mechanics around construction dont allow players the chances to obtain what they want even if they pay for it because farming in maps completely makes said construction feature virtually irrelevant for the goal that gachas aim for and completely lacks any other feature like special limited banners or a pity system in order to incentive players into gamble their way throught it. Is oldschool rpg grind and long term planning.

    For example: Gacha games have polls as the center of its gameplay and monetization schemes with motifs, characters, story, rarity bias and even memes being made around it.
    KC has collection, events and ww2 history as the center of its gameplay and monetization(throught mixmedia and collabs) with the construction, the shop, character design and other mechanics being design around it.

    If it was about money KC would just released shimakaze bikini variants on the market snd in the game along with a naked apron Jingei figure for sale in Kotobukiya.

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    spekter5 said:

    Can I flag for deletion? I upload this one by mistake

    You don't need to worry about it. If no one approves it within three days, it will be deleted automatically.

    Manual deletion is only done if the post is of exceptionally poor quality or breaks the rules in some other way. In those cases, the deleted upload will take up five of your upload slots until three days have passed, so you'll be better off if it stays pending for those three days instead.

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    Admiral_Shippai said:

    Im getting a bit paranoic or some Blue Archive girls seem way too inspired in some KC shipgirls? Probably has more to do with coincidence in archetypes but this Koharu girl looks a bit similar to Amatsukaze in clothes specially those black stripes around her neck and chest except she seems to be a loli with pervert thoughts(how fitting for a game that initiated the whole cunny meme)

    Mika's behavior makes more sense when you realize who she shares a VA with. Pay attention not just to her appearance, but her voice lines as well.

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    Jumping in more than a year later, but the fabric at the very least definitely looks human assembled (for lack of a better term) the grid of the texture is clear and looks like one would expect for a tiling texture masked out to cover an area in an art program. There is a definite air of care with how things were assembled and I can Intuit and reverse-engineer the thought process to a degree I believe impossible for AI works (albeit it's possible I'd be wrong and some existing or future AI piece might fool me), though I'm certain I'm correct in this case.

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