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How to upload ugoira, the new pixiv animation system

Posted under General

The really interesting bit is at the end: it turns out Pixiv actually released their player as open source! It's available at https://github.com/pixiv/zip_player. It looks like it would be pretty feasible to integrate this into Danbooru to give us native ugoira support.

It's not hard to implement anyway, using external libraries it only took me around 70LoC.

The real issue is that it it only works in the browser, you can't really save it to disk in animated form or post it anywhere else on the web.

The zip + frame times is good for archival purposes, but not convenient otherwise.

Can Danbooru support video format?
Those ugoira can be shrinked to ~1/10 file size with h264 video codec.
GIF cannot do that and it loses quality more significantly.

Image to video conversion can be done by ffmpeg
Put the simple dos batch script into the image folder with the images, modify the settings, and then run it.

Here's an batch example,
Setting the image file name prefix, dimension, fps, crf (a video quality factor)
Note that 03d means 3-digit number, so %prefix%%%03d.jpg means prefix000.jpg and so on...

set prefix=img
set dim=1280x720
set fps=15
set crf=18

D:\MeGUI\tools\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe -f image2 -i "%prefix%%%03d.jpg" -r %fps% -s %dim% -vcodec libx264 -crf %crf% -preset slow %prefix%-output.mp4

^ As you can see, I've installed MeGUI and use it's ffmpeg included. You can install it separately.

In general, image to video conversion is simple, even simpler than making GIF.
The rest is server support. The script works for non-pixiv images too. People may convert any image sequences with their own PC.


Danbooru already does that. If you source upload an ugoira it stores the original images and it also converts it to a video file as well (click "Save as video" underneath the ugoira).

So there is BPG

And Honeyview supports it now

Honeyview is Windows only, fairly popular already. They used libbpg.
libbpg is available on bpg page - libbpg-0.9.5.tar.gz
There are also binary tools for creating and viewing images, with documentation - bpg-0.9.5-win32.zip

Tested with image 48658471.
ugoira zip = 19.8 mb
gif = 41.8 mb
bpg = 513 kb
bpg lossless = 40.8 mb (seems glitched, strange color artifacts appear on the image)

Encoding time: no less than 30 minutes. Damn.

I figured out today how to upload a reasonably small ugoira thanks to the link provided in Loc0's post one page back (if this post doesn't start page 11 of the thread). I think the information would be useful to have in the Upload help page, so one doesn't eventually have to dig too deep for it in the forum, but I also realize there's more to uploading ugoira posts than just that link and subsequent source link updating. Is it possible yet to condense the necessary info into a help page, or is it still being worked out?

Moonspeaker said:

I figured out today how to upload a reasonably small ugoira thanks to the link provided in Loc0's post one page back (if this post doesn't start page 11 of the thread). I think the information would be useful to have in the Upload help page, so one doesn't eventually have to dig too deep for it in the forum, but I also realize there's more to uploading ugoira posts than just that link and subsequent source link updating. Is it possible yet to condense the necessary info into a help page, or is it still being worked out?

Well, Danbooru supports ugoira upload without any reconversion for almost 2 years already. You just need to specify http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57872141 in the source field, or use bookmarklet on that page.

Sacriven said:

Just want to know, is there any filesize limit when it comes to uploading ugoira? Last time I tried to upload a 36 MB ugoira but it failed...

Max file size is 35 MB for a file pulled from URL, 30MB for a file you upload. I think there was an issue on github to increase it, but I can't find it.

Type-kun said:

Well, Danbooru supports ugoira upload without any reconversion for almost 2 years already. You just need to specify http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57872141 in the source field, or use bookmarklet on that page.

I'd initially tried using the bookmarklet, actually, but it didn't show any preview or quote the commentary, so I didn't know if I was doing it right by going straight from the HTML page rather than viewing the image directly (which my browser won't let me do from the Pixiv page).

So much for being clever.

Moonspeaker said:

I'd initially tried using the bookmarklet, actually, but it didn't show any preview or quote the commentary, so I didn't know if I was doing it right by going straight from the HTML page rather than viewing the image directly (which my browser won't let me do from the Pixiv page).

So much for being clever.

Yeah, no preview is misleading, we should do something about that, but commentary is quoted properly when I try it. Did your pixiv design change recently, by chance? Bookmarklet can't work with whitecube yet.

Type-kun said:

Yeah, no preview is misleading, we should do something about that, but commentary is quoted properly when I try it. Did your pixiv design change recently, by chance? Bookmarklet can't work with whitecube yet.

Yes, the commentary showed up properly for me this time as well.

I hadn't noticed any recent Pixiv design change, but that's hardly conclusive.

Type-kun said:

Yeah, no preview is misleading, we should do something about that, but commentary is quoted properly when I try it. Did your pixiv design change recently, by chance? Bookmarklet can't work with whitecube yet.

Uh, really? I can use my bookmarklet just fine. My pixiv' appearance is still the same as always.

Sacriven said:

Uh, really? I can use my bookmarklet just fine. My pixiv' appearance is still the same as always.

That means you didn't get switched yet. Looks like I was one of the few "lucky" ones, see topic #13205. Maaaaybe they will leave the old design as-is, but I doubt that somehow.

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