
imply school_bus -> bus

Posted under Tags

NWF_Renim said:

I don't know about everyone else, but certainly when I look for a car I'm looking for car the vehicle, not car the front seats (post #3646233), car the backseat (post #3888389), car the door (post #4010089), or car the rear-view mirror (post #3686018 rating:e).

Well, the tags are called car and bus, not car exterior and bus exterior. car car_interior has 869 posts, about half of the car interior posts. It's probably a case by case basis but if people have no problem tagging something like post #3015145 or post #2500689 or post #2549277 car...

car isn't the best example as there are quite a lot of pictures where the interior of the car is clearly visible from outside the car, or where another car is visible in a car interior post. Either of which would justify both.

This is a lot rarer in the bus case, where slightly under 30% of bus_interior posts in the past 5 years also have the bus tag (and thus the ground_vehicle and motor_vehicle tags too). Of those about 1 in 10 are comics that display the bus and bus interior separately. The number of images in the bus_interior tag in the past 5 years that are wrongly* tagged bus (based on the previous definition) is slightly under 1 in 4.

*based on the previous conclusion

Provence said:

I think that#s pretty much expected that one means the exterior.
I mean, we add the addendum of _interior because of exactly that reason.

Sure, but it's also intuitive to tag a car as car. I can't see that changing no matter the gardening. Hell it's the first thing I'd do too.
Keep in mind that bringing this to its logical conclusion we would have to remove all implications to car, because you can tell a model from the inside too in a lot of cases. For example police_car car_interior.

nonamethanks said:

Sure, but it's also intuitive to tag a car as car. I can't see that changing no matter the gardening. Hell it's the first thing I'd do too.
Keep in mind that bringing this to its logical conclusion we would have to remove all implications to car, because you can tell a model from the inside too in a lot of cases. For example police_car car_interior.

True, true.
It's sadly not a discussion that would yield a solution regarding to tagging. Just saying it makes some semantic sense at least to keep them seperate.
So in that case, just bite into the sour apple and have the interior tagged with car...or bus, in this case.