
Issues with pureref

Posted under General

I use danbooru daily as a reference tool for drawing,
I have been using the pureref app which is an excellent tool to organize reference images.

However in the past few weeks danbooru became compatible at all with the app while other websites remain the same.
It used to work with firefox but now fiirefox doesn't work either.

Just curious if anyone is in the same boat and know how to solve this.

Have a nice day!

voca0831 said:

I use danbooru daily as a reference tool for drawing,
I have been using the pureref app which is an excellent tool to organize reference images.

However in the past few weeks danbooru became compatible at all with the app while other websites remain the same.
It used to work with firefox but now fiirefox doesn't work either.

Just curious if anyone is in the same boat and know how to solve this.

Have a nice day!

Going to need a lot more information, you say it doesn't work with Firefox, but you don't give any sort of error messages or anything of the sort.

DeusExCalamus said:

Going to need a lot more information, you say it doesn't work with Firefox, but you don't give any sort of error messages or anything of the sort.

Sorry for not providing more information due to pureref is a standalone software which is not associated with Danbooru at all.

My wording might be a little off.
I have been browsing Danbooru on Chrome, collecting images to pureref for over maybe 2 years. It has a drag and drop function with allows me to drag an image to the pureref's canvas and organize multiple images for easy viewing.
This specific function stopped working on Chrome lately, cannot remember the exact timing, but within 30 days for sure.
I tried Microsoft Edge, didn't work. Then tried Firefox which worked for a while, but within these few days Firefox stopped working too.

There is no error message on both ends, when I try to drag and drop an image simply nothing happens.
I can still copy and paste images from Danbooru to pureref, thankfully, but it would be nice to be able to drag and drop like I used to.
The drag and drop function works on most if not all other websites I normally use so it's kind of Danbooru specific, which is why I posted here just trying my luck, hoping someone would know if there is a solution.

kittey said:

Do you sometimes have to solve a captcha to access the site? They usually don’t work with non-browser apps. It should work fine in Firefox, though.

No captcha. Though ever since I moved to Japan for a while,
very often when I first open danbooru after turning on my PC,

A "Checking if the site connection is secure. danbooru.donmai.us needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Did you know some signs of bot malware on your computer are computer crashes, slow internet, and a slow computer?" page comes first with a loading/spinning animation.
Then after a few seconds the site works as normal.

I'm not sure if it has anything to do with this.

voca0831 said:

I'm not sure if it has anything to do with this.

Yes, that means that you can’t access Danbooru with the Pureref app. You have to save the images with a browser and then import them into Pureref from your PC.

kittey said:

Yes, that means that you can’t access Danbooru with the Pureref app. You have to save the images with a browser and then import them into Pureref from your PC.

I never thought of that being a possibility!

If nothing from danbooru has changed then the only thing that changed with my environment is moving to another country which means new internet provider.
Guess I have to get used to going back to right click, copy, and the ctrl+V.
Thank you for your reply!

kittey said:

Yes, that means that you can’t access Danbooru with the Pureref app. You have to save the images with a browser and then import them into Pureref from your PC.

An update after reading your comment, I tried browsing Danbooru on Chrome with a VPN from Australia and it works again. (while Korea failed)
I'm very grateful to at least being able to identify the root of the problem, hopefully to find a more reliable workaround later!


If nothing from danbooru has changed then the only thing that changed with my environment is moving to another country

Certain regions currently require solving an automatic captcha to access Danbooru because we’ve been seeing rampant bot accesses from there. If you see something like the message “Checking if the site connection is secure. danbooru.donmai.us needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding”, it means that you’re currently in an affected region. If you moved recently and hadn’t seen that message before, it just means your previous location wasn’t affected.

Pureref can’t solve the automatic captcha and thus can’t get any images from Danbooru if you’re in a region where that’s required. That’s why accessing Danbooru from a different region via VPN works. Copy & Paste from a browser or saving the file and then importing it should always work.