
Tagging of single/double/triple stripes

Posted under Tags

The tagging for single/double/triple striped patterns seems to be a bit inconsistent at the moment. There is a generic tag for single_stripe and another for triple_stripe (with only 2 posts) but no double_stripe. None of the current tags imply each other at the moment.

I tried to create a BUR for improving the consistency of tags in the single/double/triple stripe family, but the request failed due to a lack of wiki pages and/or low post counts for some of the tags. Rather than start making changes willy-nilly I decided to make a regular thread for feedback first.

The BUR I tried to create was this:

Option 1

alias single_horizontal_stripe -> single_stripe
alias double_horizontal_stripe -> double_stripe
alias triple_horizontal_stripe -> triple_stripe

update single_vertical_stripe -> -single_vertical_stripe single_stripe vertical_stripes
update double_vertical_stripe -> -double_vertical_stripe double_stripe vertical_stripes
update triple_vertical_stripe -> -triple_vertical_stripe triple_stripe vertical_stripes

imply single_stripe -> striped
imply double_stripe -> striped
imply triple_stripe -> striped

deprecate single_vertical_stripe
deprecate double_vertical_stripe
deprecate triple_vertical_stripe

However, I got this error:

Can't create implication single_stripe -> striped ('single_stripe' must have a wiki page); Can't create implication triple_stripe -> striped ('triple_stripe' must have at least 10 posts; 'triple_stripe' must have a wiki page); Can't deprecate triple_vertical_stripe (tag must have a wiki page)

Since horizontal_stripes is deprecated and the wiki page points to striped, I'm going to assume that horizontal stripes are assumed as a default, with vertical_stripes or diagonal_stripes added if applicable. I reckon same should then apply to the single/double/triple stripe cases for consistency.

The implications to striped are a bit of a compromise since vertical_stripes implies striped already. "Striped" makes me think of a continuous stripe pattern rather than an individual/Adidas-style accent stripe. Currently single_stripe has more posts without striped tag than with it. An alternative that keeps the styles separate would be something like:

Option 2

alias single_stripe -> accent_stripe
alias single_horizontal_stripe -> accent_stripe
alias double_horizontal_stripe -> double_stripe
alias triple_horizontal_stripe -> triple_stripe

update single_vertical_stripe -> -single_vertical_stripe accent_stripe vertical_accent_stripe
update double_vertical_stripe -> -double_vertical_stripe double_stripe vertical_accent_stripe
update triple_vertical_stripe -> -triple_vertical_stripe triple_stripe vertical_accent_stripe

imply double_stripe -> accent_stripe
imply triple_stripe -> accent_stripe
imply vertical_accent_stripe -> accent_stripe
imply diagonal_accent_stripe -> accent_stripe

deprecate single_vertical_stripe
deprecate double_vertical_stripe
deprecate triple_vertical_stripe

Unimplying vertical_stripes -> striped might be an option, but feels potentially more confusing than the above options.

BUR #15687 has been rejected.

create alias single_stripe -> accent_stripe
create alias single_horizontal_stripe -> accent_stripe
create alias double_horizontal_stripe -> double_stripe
create alias triple_horizontal_stripe -> triple_stripe
mass update single_vertical_stripe -> -single_vertical_stripe accent_stripe vertical_accent_stripe
mass update double_vertical_stripe -> -double_vertical_stripe double_stripe vertical_accent_stripe
mass update triple_vertical_stripe -> -triple_vertical_stripe triple_stripe vertical_accent_stripe

Here goes, then. A request for the option 2 version. If I've understood correctly, the aliases and updates need to be handled first before the tags are populated enough for implications and deprecations so here's the first batch.