Case in point: post #464721. A great story, but I passed over it a few times because it's honestly a pain in the butt to keep scrolling up to the top, then dragging the translation box down. Finally got around to translating it and it was as bad as I remembered.
Can something be done to ease this process a bit? Many times I will refuse to translate longer comics just for this reason.
Whenever I put notes on long images like those, it helps to just click and hold on the note, then keep hitting Page Down or Spacebar until you reach the spot you need to be, then hit the Home key to return to the top. I do agree that its a bit tedious though...
How about removing "add translation" from the side menu and instead adding a "translation mode" to the mode-dropdown box, where selecting said mode and then clicking the image would spawn a default-sized translation note box at the location of the mouse cursor?
I know jack shit about programming, but surely something like this should be doable?
Yeah, this has always annoyed me. What I think would be better, though, would be a keyboard shortcut to spawn a translation box. As it currently stands, translation boxes always appear in the same place with respect to your screen space, NOT with respect to the actual page, so nothing really needs to be changed except the addition of a keyboard shortcut that activates "add translation". Should be very easy to code, I'm sure.
Right now, clicking the image hides/shows the translation boxes, which is to me a useful feature. I hope we don't get rid of that. Also note that we don't even currently have a mode dropdown box on post pages, only on search pages, so that would require a significant change to the GUI paradigm. Another possibility would be to make the sidebar move as you scrolled along the image, but this could be considered a bad web design practice.
The first thing that came to mind for me was something where the left nav menu would stay with you as you scroll down the page, but then I remembered that 1) that's really annoying on just about every site I've seen use it and 2) doesn't help if the left nav menu is longer than the page...
[Edit: Dur, and it was apparently mentioned already right above me]
I remember running into this problem when I was adding notes to post #143415 so it definitely would be nice to see some sort of enhancement.
Would it be too difficult to put the left sidebar it it's own frame? Since it would have a scroll bar, there wouldn't be problems with long tag lists, and it would remain available through the whole page.
I'm always afraid I'm going to hit "Unapprove" on accident one of these days when I meant to click "add translation" instead, so a shortcut would be great. :3
And no more click-drag-scroll for long comics is also win.
I've clicked "Add to favorites" plenty of times by mistake.
jxh's idea was the first that came to my mind as well, but I immediately crossed that one out. I think the keyboard shortcut is really the simplest one... how do I implement RaisingK's code?
The way I solved this problem in a private webapp of mine was to have a note mode where you click and drag on the image to make the note box exactly as large as you want it (like drawing rectangles in a drawing program). I've been meaning to port that feature to danbooru, but I've been quite busy and never got around to it. If there's interest, I'll push up its priority and try to get it done sooner.
LaC said: The way I solved this problem in a private webapp of mine was to have a note mode where you click and drag on the image to make the note box exactly as large as you want it (like drawing rectangles in a drawing program). I've been meaning to port that feature to danbooru, but I've been quite busy and never got around to it. If there's interest, I'll push up its priority and try to get it done sooner.
This sounds mighty handy. If it's not too much trouble, please do. :)
Another +1, from me. As it stands right now, it's intimidating to translate many large images, knowing what a hassle it will be to create enough translation boxes, drag them into position, then get down to typing. Your solution sounds marvelous, LaC.