
Nuking winking emoticons

Posted under Tags

BUR #16373 has been rejected.


deprecate ;)
create alias ;d -> :d
create alias ;o -> :o
create alias ;p -> :p
create alias ;q -> :q
create alias ;3 -> :3
create alias ;( -> frown
mass update ;< -one_eye_closed -> one_eye_closed
create alias ;< -> :<
create alias d; -> d:
mass update ;t -one_eye_closed -> one_eye_closed
mass update ;t -:t -> :t
create alias ;t -> :t
mass update ;> -one_eye_closed -> one_eye_closed
create alias ;> -> :>
mass update 3; -one_eye_closed -> one_eye_closed
create alias 3; -> 3:
mass update -one_eye_closed -> one_eye_closed
create alias ; -> :|
mass update ;/ -one_eye_closed -> one_eye_closed
create alias ;/ -> :/
mass update ;i -> :i one_eye_closed -;i
mass update ;s -> :s one_eye_closed -;s

I do not like generic emoticon tags. I think they are pointless tandem tags for extremely basic searches like smile open_mouth. But since the community at large seems to be split on this, I will grit my teeth and bare them for now.


All of the variants in this BUR are nothing more than pure tag bloat which can be made searchable with just one single tag - one_eye_closed. ;D is just :D one_eye_closed. ;o is just :o one_eye_closed. ;P is, you guessed it, just :P one_eye_closed. There is absolutely no need to have over ten different tags that only exist to denote that a character has one of their eyes closed, especially since we already have an immensely more useful tag that covers all cases.

In response to the potential argument of "they'll flood the results for non-closed eyes" - on average, these ; variants are only around 15% the size of the original emoticon tags. Only about 1/9 posts will be one_eye_closed, and if you really don't want any in your search, then it's a very simple matter to add "-one_eye_closed".

;) is a deprecation rather than an alias because a large amount of them are missing the closed_mouth tag, and they can't all just be blanket updated because there are 5.5k results for ;) ~open_mouth ~grin ~parted_lips. I imagine it was never implicated because many users assumed it was for any kind of smile (:) is just aliased to smile). However, this had the added "bonus" of many other users not adding closed_mouth when using ;), likely assuming such an implication already existed. Yet another reason to be done with these tags as soon as possible.

HyphenSam said:

Adding closed mouth to ;) -closed_mouth solo -open_mouth -grin -parted_lips -teeth will mistag certain posts because I still see some posts with open mouths and grins which are missing those tags. I cleaned a few, but I don't have time to go through hundreds of pages.

I don't have the time for that either, so I've removed that line from the BUR.

pronebone said:

Never used these, now I look at them the only use I can see of these tags are as a shortcut for one_eye_closed + smile implications.

That's exactly it, yes. Every tag here can be replaced with the addition of one_eye_closed to searches. There's zero reason to have 15+ junk tags for the same thing.

Username_Hidden said:

I'm pretty neutral towards this, however I want to say that just like other combo tags such as puffy short sleeves, their usefulness comes from posts featuring more than one character.

This is not an issue with any individual tag's existence or potential removal, it's a critique of the way the tag system works in general. Every single combination of tags fails on posts with more than one character - searching for red_hair green_eyes -solo brings up many posts where one character has the red hair but another has the green eyes. This does not mean we need to create red_hair_and_green_eyes. These winking emoticon tags aren't any different; they're just another symptom of the same limitation.
