I originally created circular border without knowing the existence of round image, that's why their concepts are similar, but even having round image, some issues remain, since it isn't very well defined either. There's also a circle tag which also has overlaps. Currently there're a few different concepts under them.
I'd like we define what goes in round image first and see if we need new tags and what else we can do.
- 1. post #6167663, post #6283854 - no objection, textbook round images, wether the edges are filled or transparent
- 2. Almost, round image wiki says round image + outside border, but not convinced for all of them
- 2.1 post #6261539 - okay as outside border
- 2.1 post #6303223, post #6272508, post #6157013 - body and the circle appears as two separate layers
- 2.3 post #6179988, post #5997501, post #6145616 - coming out of a frame
- 2.2 post #6322513, post #6286095 - the body isn't blocked by the border, but it doesn't continue down either, just faded mid-air
- 3. post #6252450, post #6272850 - exaggeration of 2.2, subject way too out to be a round image, might need a background circle tag
- 4. The edges might be important to the image
- 4.1 post #6209800, post #6297215, post #4364973, post #6268093 - intense version of vignetting?
- 4.2 post #5988974, post #1167270, post #6272030, post #6298357 - the edges are colored
- 5. post #5521418, post #4047237, post #6117478 - the edges are rounded, but not yet a circle
- 6. Round, but not a border
- 6.1 post #2734351 - something in the image is round, it's not an actual border
- 6.2 post #6077986, post #6268093 - spotlight/searchlight
- 6.3 post #6324436, post #6171519, post #6054449 - circle formation
- 6.4 post #4556381, post #5970512, post #5270218, post #6218313 - image has a circular tendency, but not yet a "border", could be fading border
8. Fancy stuff ?? post #6097471, post #5947216, post #6280403, post #6291235