
The sweaty thread

Posted under Tags

BUR #17183 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias sweating_profusely -> nervous_sweating

This tag's name is horrible for what the wiki is trying to describe. You'd only understand its intended use by reading the wiki and we already know that's not good enough.

Recent posts of mine were even tagged with it today when they don't apply. Nervous sweating is a much more intuitive name for it's actual usage.

It's also consistent with other tags like nervous smile


BUR #17184 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication very_sweaty -> sweat

With all that said the reason why it's being mistagged is because we don't exactly have a specific tag for actual profuse or exaggerated sweating.
So to fix that I've created a new tag called very sweaty.

The wiki and name are still in draft mode so feel free to suggest edits. I thought a simple easy to understand name would be the way to go.

We'd end up with these as the main tags for all your sweaty needs

Sweat for light sweat (I described it as less than 5 drops in the wiki)
Very sweaty for heavy sweat (approximately 5 drops +)
Sweatdrop for the comedic oversized type
Nervous sweat


I assume post like post #1245566 and post #2865509 can be tagged sweat sweating_profusely very_sweaty. It's also applicable for posts like post #3377169 and post #3349944 if I infer both physical exertion and embarrassment(/fear/nervousness) at the same time on the same person right? For some I'm not quite sure if they're definitely sweating_profusely or just normal blushing and facial expression from exertion, say post #3048270 or post #3370159, I assume we keep sweating_profusely textbook cases. I want to make sure I'm not being becoming a problem.

skb044 said:

I assume post like post #1245566 and post #2865509 can be tagged sweat sweating_profusely very_sweaty. It's also applicable for posts like post #3377169 and post #3349944 if I infer both physical exertion and embarrassment(/fear/nervousness) at the same time on the same person right? For some I'm not quite sure if they're definitely sweating_profusely or just normal blushing and facial expression from exertion, say post #3048270 or post #3370159, I assume we keep sweating_profusely textbook cases. I want to make sure I'm not being becoming a problem.

sweating profusely has nothing to do with physical exertion, that’s where it’s most commonly misused. they would have to be a combination of exertion + nervousness/embarrassment/fear, like your last two examples.

BobTheBuilder_v1 said:

sweating profusely has nothing to do with physical exertion, that’s where it’s most commonly misused. they would have to be a combination of exertion + nervousness/embarrassment/fear, like your last two examples.

I was linking to sweating_profusely since it's the tag which needed cleanup prior to being aliased into nervous_sweating, the second didn't have any posts and the alias would have populated it after cleaning up sweating_profusely (if I understand how it works correctly).
I was moving the purely exertion/heat posts into very_sweaty, or adding/leaving both if I felt like it was both embarrassment/fear/nervousness and exertion/heat.