
alias facial_tattoo -> facial_mark

Posted under Tags

BUR #17269 has been rejected.

create alias facial_tattoo -> facial_mark

previous: topic #24012, topic #19551, topic #16470

facial tattoo and facial mark are two tags that are sometimes canon-tagged, frequently interchanged, and always confusing. take Yuuka (Track) (or any other Halo Festival girl) for example. canonically we know that she wears a sticker, not a tattoo because it comes off after the festival, but that doesn't stop 56 posts from making their way into yuuka_(track)_(blue_archive) facial_tattoo; the same is true of yuuka_(track)_(blue_archive) facial_mark. not that I blame these taggers, because needing enough detail to decide between sticker or tattoo/marking puts you entirely at the artist's mercy. I couldn't be confident in what post #5804389 is without any background knowledge if you put a gun to my head.

moving away from Blue Archive, there is post #6338042. how do you know that these markings are indeed a permanent tattoo and not birthmarks, face paint, or other non-permanent facial marking? even in the case of post #6310180 where this is probably a tattoo, Miku could turn around and wash it right off. for facial features, trying to hold this line seems like a crap shoot.

sticker on face I will leave alone because its sticker-ness can be pretty clear when there's a white/black sticker outline, and if there isn't it should be tagged facial mark anyways.


I am slightly in favor of this, but I'm reluctant to approve it without discussion, and there'd be a lot of consequences from approving this. Effectively it would mean it'd be impossible to find things that are obviously tattoos on faces. You'd leave to the user to decide whether to add the tattoo tag as well, and then you'd have to do tattoo + facial mark to find relevant results, which would be polluted with tattoos in wrong places for people with heart facial marks.