
Flute types

Posted under Tags

nkuylo said:

BUR #19819 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication recorder -> flute
create implication shakuhachi -> flute
create implication ocarina -> flute

Currently, many flutes are missing flute tag. Especially recorder. Why not imply it. tin-whistle, bass_flute and fife_(instrument) would also apply, but they aren't popular enough.

What would the tag be for instruments like post #6342413 to distinguish them from the rest implied to the tag? I wouldn't want a bunch of ocarina posts showing up if I was looking for a traditional flute.

zetsubousensei said:

What would the tag be for instruments like post #6342413 to distinguish them from the rest implied to the tag? I wouldn't want a bunch of ocarina posts showing up if I was looking for a traditional flute.

Well, you can search for flute -ocarina, but you probably already know that.
You probably won't get a nice clean selection of Boehm flute(which btw, is the least "traditional" of any other flute) even now. Currently, flute is already used as an umbrella term for any flute uploader doesn't recognize or can't be bothered to look up. There are many different folk flutes that don't have own tags that goes into that. And also fictional ones. Can't see a reason why one of the oldest flute can't be called a flute.

We could also create a new tag like concert_flute, or western_flute, or boehm_flute. Kind of unnecessary, but if other flutes has their tag why not?