
Should Facing_away only be used for 180 degree posts?

Posted under General

Facing away's wiki was changed to restrict its use to only 180 degree posts in 2021. Now that's fine and all but I think the wiki should at least give you alternative tags to use for posts like post #6842576, post #6845567.

What should those two posts be tagged as? Looking away/Looking ahead doesn't work because we don't see the eyes, what does that leave us with, the new facing ahead? That... Doesn't feel right either.
Similar questions were asked here: forum #214337, forum #214333 but it doesn't seem like it led anywhere.

We either need to remove this restriction (that next to nobody is going to read honestly), or at the very least mention in the wiki how non-180 degree posts should be tagged.

Sessyoin_Kiara said:

The way the current wiki is written it sounds more like an example than a restriction for me. I think a facing afar tag would be nice to describe characters with closed eyes facing off into the distance.

The two posts I linked had the tag removed by Evazion himself so I thought he was gardening the tag to reflect the wiki properly.

I still dunno what to replace the tag with though, which is why I made this thread.