
Imply antlers -> horns

Posted under Tags

BUR #21512 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication antlers -> horns

While both horns' and antlers' wikis currently mention they are distinct and completely separate, I believe that there is no point in dividing them that much, and that antlers should be implied to horns.

It's not uncommon for people to tag what wikis suggest to be antlers as horns either - posts like post #6921215, post #6232971, post #6945142 all depict "forked horns" and are currently tagged as horns rather than antlers. Hell, *I* was not aware of the distinction until today.

Additionally, we currently have a lot of tags that specify aspects of horns, like colors, while the only tag for antlers like this is multicolored antlers which only has 1 post.

Some previous discussion about this in topic #23664.

Some points raised over the years:

  • antlers aren't horns -> doesn't really apply when the purpose of these tags is to search for characters with sticks pointing out of their heads; if we have no problem tagging blades or branches or post #6932606 or post #6122110 or post #2709296 or giraffe horns (technically not horns either!) as horns then same applies to antlers
  • no way to search for characters with both horns and antlers if these are joined via implication -> I can start populating a horns_and_antlers or similarly-named tag

Can anyone point to any other blockers that would result in loss of information from this implication, and need to be resolved first?
