BUR #22653 has been rejected.
create implication breaststrap_(saddle) -> tack_(riding)
create implication bridle -> tack_(riding)
create implication cinch -> tack_(riding)
create implication crupper_(saddle) -> tack_(riding)
create implication reins -> tack_(riding)
create implication saddle -> tack_(riding)
Tack is the proper catchall term for saddles, saddle components, reins, etc. Basically everything that goes on an animal.
Wasn't quite sure if this includes what the rider wears (eg, spurs) since it is listed but I'm not sure it's techically under that term so I havent included it in the BUR.
For some inexplicable reason I can't add.
Imply Saddle -> tack_(riding)
Imply Reins -> tack_(riding)
Despite those being the main point as a I keep getting the "can't make more than 90%" Error despite making sure they didn't, it also isn't just the system being slow because I saved this bur days ago and copy pasted it in just now and still get the "can't make more than 90%".