
MP4 videos with sound don't play on Edge for Android

Posted under Bugs & Features

I've been having an issue playing certain videos on Microsoft Edge for Android, and it might have something to do with MP4 files and sound? it's been happening for at least a week, perhaps longer?

basically what happens is every time I've tried and play an MP4 video with sound, the video player appears, but doesn't load anything. this happens on the post page and also on the raw file (the one behind the Download link). it only seems to happen on Edge, not Chrome or Firefox, and it also doesn't seem to happen on the desktop version of Edge. it also doesn't seem to happen with any webm files or most videos in the search video -sound filetype:mp4, tho the exceptions *might* not be properly tagged with 'sound', haven't tested extensively... I can also download the non-working files through Edge and they play just fine once downloaded

I guess I forgot examples might help... oop~

post #5517035, post #6899266, post #7352800, and post #7353024 are some examples that don't work like this. the last two aren't marked as having sound on their little search cards, so I don't know that it's specifically sound, but I've mostly noticed it on videos with sound

if you need some counter examples, post #7355512, post #7354514, post #7352942, and post #3114352 do work on the same setup, most notibly the last one is one of few videos I've found with sound that works

Without any specific knowledge of Edge, Android or Edge on Android, it seems like it just refuses to play AAC encoded audio, but is fine with Opus. Are you using any particular OS versions that might interfere?

not as far as I know? that said, all the examples play in Chrome and Firefox, and also when downloaded and played through my file explorer (the one that came with my phone). also, in the Twitter sources for all those videos, I can get them to play as well... so it might be an issue with the video player on Danbooru specifically? whether an incompatibility with Edge or otherwise?

I can test to see if the same thing happens in a similar situation on another website (e6 in particular, same browser, and they've got similar video embeds, maybe the same?), if that might help too? I haven't noticed any issues over there, but they mostly have webm videos, with few mp4s

is:mp4 exif:FFmpeg:VideoProfile=High
is:mp4 exif:FFmpeg:VideoProfile=Main

See if these work. I'm guessing that Edge for Android doesn't support h.264 High Profile encoded videos.

When you find a post that doesn't work, you can click the little "»" next to filesize under the Information section. It looks like this: "Size: 8.5 MB .mp4 (1280x720) »". That page will show a bunch of technical information about the video under the FFmpeg section. You can try to see if there's any pattern here in which videos don't work.

it looks like it might be aac audio, not the video profile, as I can play some high profile videos (all without audio streams, from the searches you linked), and I can't play some main profile videos (all with aac audio streams)

the thing is, these have worked previously on the exact same setup (likely on older versions of something tho, which of course would be important) (at least post #5517035 and post #6899266 did)

also, scratch checking e6 for mp4s to test with, because they apparently don't have any... lol


yep AAC audio codec posts are not playing. MP3 audio codec posts play fine. (opus and vorbis is fine too)

I don't really understand the technicalities of all this stuff but from a quick search I found that edge is supposed to fully support playing AAC. I then tested it myself playing AAC audio and video files on different sites and they played fine, yet these AAC danbooru posts don't play. so this must be some kind of issue on danbooru's side, right?

Nezzen said:

yep AAC audio codec posts are not playing. MP3 audio codec posts play fine. (opus and vorbis is fine too)

I don't really understand the technicalities of all this stuff but from a quick search I found that edge is supposed to fully support playing AAC. I then tested it myself playing AAC audio and video files on different sites and they played fine, yet these AAC danbooru posts don't play. so this must be some kind of issue on danbooru's side, right?

When opening the original file, Danbooru serves the exact same file that was uploaded, and all the codecs supported by Danboru are extremely widely supported anyway (AAC should play on basically any device currently in service), so it's almost definitely not on Danbooru's side.

岩戸鈴芽 said:

When opening the original file, Danbooru serves the exact same file that was uploaded, and all the codecs supported by Danboru are extremely widely supported anyway (AAC should play on basically any device currently in service), so it's almost definitely not on Danbooru's side.

oh really? I don't get why danbooru is the only site not playing the aac audio codec then. you seem to know more about the technical stuff; do you have any ideas that could explain this?

Nezzen said:

oh really? I don't get why danbooru is the only site not playing the aac audio codec then. you seem to know more about the technical stuff; do you have any ideas that could explain this?

Does it work on no post with AAC whatsoever? Regardless, can you send a post # that you are sure doesn't work, just so I know I'm looking at the correct file.

Additionally, does it also not work if you open the file URL directly, and/or when you download it and open it in whatever other player you use?

岩戸鈴芽 said:

Does it work on no post with AAC whatsoever? Regardless, can you send a post # that you are sure doesn't work, just so I know I'm looking at the correct file.

Additionally, does it also not work if you open the file URL directly, and/or when you download it and open it in whatever other player you use?

Yeah if it's AAC it just won't play. Doesn't matter if post is new or old. I'm still yet to find one that would play but with how many I've tested I doubt any will.
Here's an example post (nsfw): https://danbooru.donmai.us/media_assets/22070145 / post #7829453

Looking at this post's media assets page
• newgrounds direct .mp4 source link plays fine (uploads.ungrounded.net)
• newgrounds regular portal link plays fine
• danbooru direct .mp4 source link does not play (cdn.donmai.us)
• danbooru regular post link does not play
• danbooru media assets page video does not play either

Downloading and playing works of course. I can even play the local downloaded file within edge, it just opens a new window or something and plays there (or can choose to open with a standalone player from there and that plays fine too)

Sorry if there's any delays in my responses or if there's any info missing that should've been mentioned. Just let me know and I'll send as soon as I can.

edit: doesn't matter if downloaded from danbooru post or direct link, as long as it is downloaded then it will play
