
Name tag for another Miku variant

Posted under General

Petite if the only source I can find on petite vs petit is to be believed (someone who speaks french want to verify petite is the feminine adjective or at least which one to use?)


Well, that is pretty basic, yeah.

Now we would need to know how French words are typically written in katakana.

petit is pronounced roughly like "puh-TEE", and I could imagine ぷち (puchi) as the standard way of rendering that.

petite is pronounced roughly like "puh-TEET". One would expect it to become something like puchitto.

Then again, our Japanese Miku fan who came up with the variant was not necessarily familiar with French grammar.


I guess Japanese uses ぷち disregarding of the subject gender.

What we'd need to know is if the artist uses the word as an adjective or as some sort of title, and if Japanese cares about the gender when romanizing (quick google search seems to tell it doesn't, but might just been mistranslating anyway).

So both ways look fine to me actually.

Outside French, I think the gender is actually used pretty much interchangeably. It's like "blonde" (feminine) in English where "blond" (masculine) is treated like a less used alternative spelling with little to no attention usually paid to the gender of the target of the adjective.

I'd say if it's all the same, we may as well use the proper gender spelling, "petite" in this case.