Aliasing hyuuga_kyousuke -> himukai_kyousuke.
Reason: This is the same artist: 日向恭介
I was a little uncertain on which of these was correct, as I can't really find anything on his homepage about his reading (unless I missed it). "Hyuuga" seems to be a more common reading, and ErogameScape and CG Seeker give this reading. On the other hand, I have found the "Himukai" reading on a list of illustrators at Shueisha's website, which would seem more reputable (though I guess the publisher could mess up his name). There's a different illustrator named himukai_yuuji on the same page, which does have me wondering if it's a relative or if it's a cause for having family name readings confused...
EDIT: Oh dang, just noticed the Pixiv URL (should have looked sooner...), which is "himukai". That seems firm enough proof in my mind.
Updated by jxh2154