
Possible nude filters?

Posted under General

I think the child posts under post #189464 might be nude filters:

post #617228 and post #178125

As you can see, that thar's two different sets of nipples; nobody would bother to create a second nude version of the image if one had already been circulated by the original artist, so I can only conclude that they're both nude filters created by different people.

But since I could be wrong, I'm impartial to just out-right deleting them, so I thought I'd ask here.

Updated by Ars

The breasts on both posts were definitely edited. The bottom of post #178125 doesn't seem to have been messed with, leading me to believe that an alternate version by the artist might exist, but that's pretty irrelevant.

post #178125 is crappy and needs to go, no question. The other isn't outright terrible but should probably be trashed too due to artifacting.
