
What's up with post #436275 being deleted?

Posted under General

I was checking the deleted index and I noticed that post #436275 was deleted because it was "requested by artist". Was this a mistake, or did the artist really request that only this specific post be deleted? I ask because none of his other posts have been removed and I haven't seen a takedown notice for this artist on the forums.

Updated by wanchan

albert said:
I deleted it. The artist requested this image specifically to be deleted.

Huh. Well, I noticed that the image was also deleted off his/her pixiv. This is most likely a case of an artist not liking their older work anymore and deleting it in order to forget it.

Or something. All artists are nutjobs and I'll never understand them.

What is interseting is the artist knows about this place and is not only implicitely but seemingly excplicitely (by omission) allowing his other pictures to be hosted here. I'd say this is a good thing.