Illustration of the site with Gelbooru holylunar tags
Can I delete?
In Danbooru has been uploaded.
We have tried to write directly to the Gelbooru Forum have not been able to log ㅠ. ㅠ
Updated by Shinjidude
Posted under General
Illustration of the site with Gelbooru holylunar tags
Can I delete?
In Danbooru has been uploaded.
We have tried to write directly to the Gelbooru Forum have not been able to log ㅠ. ㅠ
Updated by Shinjidude
Unfortunately although we try to honor artists' requests to have their images removed, Gelbooru is an entirely different site built and maintained by different people (even though the sites look similar). They do seem to have a script that automatically copies everything posted to Danbooru.
I would provide you with contact information for Gelbooru's administrators, but I don't visit Gelbooru often, and they don't seem to have that information readily available.
EDIT: I missed the glaringly obvious "contact us" link. You might try posting your removal request to: