There are currently 88 pages of pools, and there's no way to specifically search for which pools are for doujins, which are public, which are for specific image sets, etc. Having a feature to categorize pools would be nice, but I don't see it happening any time soon...
So, I'm thinking of listing all existing, established pools that are free for anyone to add non-specific content to. I figure comic pools and such are already diligently being handled by the content uploaders anyway. Not sure where to put this list for now (howto:pools? or a new page?), but gathering a list of pools to include would be a start at least.
Before we begin, is there already something like this that I've missed?
Currently excluding: comic/doujinshi sets (ex: any random touhou comic, anything with "doujin" in the title), image sets by a single artist (ex: pool #833), private pools that would otherwise fit (ex: pool #280), pools about to get nuked by forum #12295. Anything else?
Updated by r0d3n7z