There's just one part I'm a bit confused about in the rules for commenting:
Don't post silly one-liners. We are a fairly focused community and inane banter is kept to a minimum. Don't just say "wow that's hot" or "lol", that adds nothing to the discussion and just takes up space.
How, exactly, would you define "inane banter"? Does joking about the image or witty/funny conversations between members count?
Also, what about repeating memes while adding nothing creative? Let's say, post #531322. What if someone continues with the "Tasukete Eirin" but be more creative about it/expand on the idea to make it funnier, rather than just the emote?
Another question: What's the difference if I post something that is worthless/taking up space using the "Post without bumping" instead of the normal "Post"?
Updated by KeliraTelian