
Adding translation notes

Posted under General

First off, what is the keyboard shortcut for adding a translation note? I read it once but can't find it.

Second, I think the process can be greatly simplified by adding a "Translation mode" link/button. Upon clicking the button, the cursor turns into a crosshair and the user can drag boxes on the picture, which turn into unsaved translation notes when the mouse button is released.
Clicking on the mode change button again turns off note creation mode and turns cursor back to normal.

I write javascripts so I know this is possible and not too hard. In fact I can probably write the code for it. Is there a process for code contribution?

Updated by Mysterio006

unicode said:
First off, what is the keyboard shortcut for adding a translation note? I read it once but can't find it.

There isn't one coded into Danbooru, but one user (actually, I think it was RaisingK) wrote a Javascript bookmarklet that allows the use of Ctrl+Z to spawn an empty note box.

The code was:


Most code contribution is simply done in forum threads, and albert decides whether to implement it or not.

I think I would like to have a Translation mode, as per your suggestion, and I hope it's part of the eventual Danbooru 2.0.