
Tag Discussion: pantyhose_under_shorts

Posted under General

It is certainly a fashion - I've seen it increasingly IRL over the last year or two (possibly leggings more often than tights) - and a simple pantyhose+shorts search would turn up a lot of unrelated posts so there is value in it.

Looking back, I'm thinking it should actually be leggings_under_shorts. After going through some pages with pantyhose+shorts, I noticed that the characters in a few of the images aren't actually wearing pantyhose.

Hillside_Moose said:
I'm wondering what's the difference between this new tag and a shorts pantyhose search.

You get some images that have one character wearing pantyhose and another character wearing shorts in the same image.


KuroKyosuke said:
You get some images that have one character wearing pantyhose and another character wearing shorts in the same image.

Oh? How many images of that are there? If you're going to use that argument, at least show it's a significant problem when trying to find your desired results.


Keep in mind that any combined tag search with general tags will have some number of incorrect hits when it comes to multiple characters in an image wearing different things.

It's really necessary to have a significant amount of false positives to signify the need for a merged tag like this if that's your primary justification.

Log said:
Keep in mind that any combined tag search with general tags will have some number of incorrect hits when it comes to multiple characters in an image wearing different things.

It's really necessary to have a significant amount of false positives to signify the need for a merged tag like this if that's your primary justification.

I just finished tagging all (or at least most) of the applicable images.

shorts pantyhose: 200/463
pantyhose_under_shorts: 105/261
*post count according to left-hand tag list/actual non-hidden image count

Significant enough?

cbhl said:
After reading this thread and forum #56675, should this not be legwear_under_shorts if it is created?

I could always ask for a Mass Tag Edit, right?


Log said:
It's really necessary to have a significant amount of false positives to signify the need for a merged tag like this if that's your primary justification.

Well, just glancing through the first few pages, a clear majority of the non-solo images in pantyhose shorts (that don't feature Kurisu) are false hits. Madoka Magica's Kyouko is the cause of quite a few...