The panties tag has been implicated to mouth_hold, which is patently wrong. Request removing implication panties -> mouth_hold and adding implication panties_in_mouth -> mouth_hold as per forum #51437.
Updated by RaisingK
Posted under General
The panties tag has been implicated to mouth_hold, which is patently wrong. Request removing implication panties -> mouth_hold and adding implication panties_in_mouth -> mouth_hold as per forum #51437.
Updated by RaisingK
I requested some panties implications in forum #61580, so maybe something happened out of that.
Huh... I don't have "panties" in my form history for the "Predicate" field on the implication form at all.
I do have "panties in mouth" so maybe something is broken if not using underscores in the implication form? I've done it for other tags though, so I doubt it.
No idea...
Anyway, sigh, cleaning it up now. At least it didn't actually retroactively apply to all panties posts. That would have been a fucking disaster. Anyone happen to remember approximately how many mouth_hold posts there were before, so I have an idea of how long this is going to take me at 250 a page?
It might be a bit out of date, but there were 5,639 mouth_hold posts as of data I extracted at the end of last year. It should have gone up in the intervening months, but that should provide a baseline.
After undoing my edits, and going through mouth_hold panties -panties_in_mouth -condom_in_mouth -toast_in_mouth -ribbon_in_mouth, it's down to 7048, which seems like it should be close, especially since we've done some implications for it.
You really could have done that much easier because we know you created the implication yesterday date:2011-04-27.. panties mouth_hold should have turned up 99.9% of them minus the handful where people added panties to an ancient post.
Doesn't date: just go by upload date? Since the implication was firing on any change made after it was created, it hit any edit of any image old or new that had 'panties' on it, including any aliases/implications I did since then (thankfully, not too many). I had to go back through the query to find those older ones. Undoing things in my tag history took care of the initial batch.
jxh2154 said:
Doesn't date: just go by upload date?
There's always order:change_desc panties mouth_hold...