
Tag Implication: hamburger

Posted under General

I'm starting to question the food implications, should (food) patterned/themed clothing be tagged with food?

e: I suppose the pattern is still food but I dunno it doesn't seem right.


Log said:
I'm starting to question the food implications, should (food) patterned/themed clothing be tagged with food?

This seems rather related to forum #57451 regarding tagging an object itself when all that is shown is an unrelated object themeed as such. This sort of gets into messy semantics regarding instantiation vs reference that I don't think our tagging system will every accurately cover, so it's probably just a policy-call.

Going by the rule-of-thumb "would someone searching for the tag want to find it?" I guess it would probably be yes?

Bapabooiee said:
Maybe. But would you consider the melon bread in post #14721 as something someone would have in mind when searching the bread tag?

In cases like that, I think it'd make sense to keep the two distinct, and just tag on a case-by-case basis.

Given that bread can come in so many shapes (post #731769), and that example you listed is generally one of the more common bread shapes, I don't see why it couldn't fall under the bread tag.