What are the proper copyright tags for (1.) corporate mascots, (2.) mythological figures, and (3.) real people? I've seen "original" used in most cases, but I couldn't find a definitive precedent through a forum search.
Posted under General
GrandAdmiralSean8 said:
What are the proper copyright tags for (1.) corporate mascots, (2.) mythological figures, and (3.) real people? I've seen "original" used in most cases, but I couldn't find a definitive precedent through a forum search.
For corporate mascots, it's the company they represent. For the others, no copyright tag (though there are certain general tags you should try to tag in a few cases like seiyuu or politician). "Original" is for when it is a original character created by the artist and not tied to an existing copyright. A real person or mythological figure wouldn't seem to fit.