
v7 Posix sh grabber 0.20 update

Posted under General

Action_Kamen said: Sorry to bump this thread, but how exactly do I use this?

It's a shell script - which means you're going to need a POSIX command-line environment/tools to make use of it. It's meant for people who want to download images from Danbooru using the command-line, rather than a (cumbersome) GUI.

To put this in contrast, imagine there are two apps for downloading images from Danbooru: One is GUI-based, and the other is CLI-based.

For the GUI app, you'd have to start up the application, type-in the tags you want to download, select a destination folder, and then click a "Download" button.

Whereas, with the CLI app, you'd just start-up a terminal and run something like the following:

bapa@localhost$ danbooru-grabber -d animal_ears hug

So basically, if you have no idea what I meant by any of the above, it's not meant for you.

Bapabooiee said:
It's a shell script - which means you're going to need a POSIX command-line environment/tools to make use of it. It's meant for people who want to download images from Danbooru using the command-line, rather than a (cumbersome) GUI.

To put this in contrast, imagine there are two apps for downloading images from Danbooru: One is GUI-based, and the other is CLI-based.

For the GUI app, you'd have to start up the application, type-in the tags you want to download, select a destination folder, and then click a "Download" button.

Whereas, with the CLI app, you'd just start-up a terminal and run something like the following:

bapa@localhost$ danbooru-grabber -d animal_ears hug

So basically, if you have no idea what I meant by any of the above, it's not meant for you.

If understand, another example of CLI app is the other batch download that uses strawberry perl and cmd to run the danbooru batch downloader (http://danbooru.donmai.us/forum/show/16341), and this one is just another example of it right?

What are the advantages of this one over the one I linked?

Actually, it looks like that script is written in Python, not Perl. But yes, both scripts do fulfill the same goal, though they do work in fundamentally different ways.

The script you linked is written in Python, and will need the Python runtime installed in order to work. On the other mitten, the danbooru-grabber script only needs a shell interpreter, and some standard Unix utilities - which are available on pretty much all modern Unix(-like) operating systems out of the box.

This is convenient, because you can just download the script and run it, with no need to hunt-down and install an (often bulky) Python/Perl/Ruby/whatever runtime first in order to get it to work.

Though, do note that this script will not work on Windows unless you have Cygwin installed, as Windows is not POSIX-compliant.
