Cyberia-Mix said:
Yes. It's an automatic task launched by an admin...
it's a relief to hear that some things can be automated. though it's still humanly possible to run through it, it'll just consume much time if done by hand. thanks for clarifying.
Shinjidude said:
This solution fails for a few reasons.
based on my limited understanding, i think Cyberia-Mix's suggestion somewhat worked out the tag alias ruffles -> frills dilemma. the ruffles wiki entry existed without proper definition and isolated. but if the automated process goes on, it can now be safely assimilated into frills. i believe people are more familiar with frills than ruffles considering the volume of posts of the former over the later; in contrast to the original and older thread proposing the opposite.
regarding fringe and lace, they both seemed to have proper definitions enough to keep them separate from the rest. but the lace wiki definition needs ironing out if the alias ruffles -> frills is going to proceed. the "Cloth with holes sewn into it" makes it distinct enough. i guess, that part will remain. just going to fix when it mentions frills and ruffles. using different words when referring to the same thing confuses a lot of readers.
the fringe entry of "Dangling fabric cut into strips or bits of cording", i think is distinct enough. more so with the inclusion of native american outfits.
i would suggest that we modify all terms concerned and add a particular post as a good visual example for taggers.
Shinjidude said:
Lace and fringe are visually distinct but are included in that definition.
i see what you mean and that brings us to redefine frills, i guess, right?
our current danbooru wiki for frills is clearly adapted from's definition. it mentions lace. this is a tricky part. danbooru entry for lace is not from
lace from danbooru: "Cloth with holes sewn into it, used as decorative trim"
lace from "a netlike ornamental fabric made of threads by hand or machine."
i think this is a result of conflict of interests and different sources. i don't say the dictionary is wrong, but we already adapted a term to suit our needs, danbooru needs. so we must have a sort of consistency and in order to resolve this, we must redefine frills that will not collide with lace since it was mentioned in the very definition of frills.
but ruffles was mentioned as a synonym right? says: "a strip of cloth, lace, etc., drawn up by gathering along one edge and used as a trimming on a dress, blouse, etc."
again, another point of conflict. my suggestion is to adapt a definition that doesn't mention lace, since we at danbooru has its own definition with it. ruffle has a meaning to make a surface uneven or break the smoothness, thus "pleated" as Cyberia-Mix said. i propose we use this frills definition from "A ruffled, gathered, or pleated border or projection, such as a fabric edge used to trim clothing"
same meaning in context, but it did not mention the word lace. and helpfully it even mentions "ruffled" and if the alias pushes through, this new meaning is no problem.
how about ruffles? in the same dictionary it states: "A strip of frilled or closely pleated fabric used for trimming or decoration." ruffles and frills in perfect harmony of each other. lace not even mentioned. no conflict for danbooru purposes. any thoughts so far?
EDIT: just for curiosity's sake i lookup for lace as well, says "A delicate fabric made of yarn or thread in an open weblike pattern." which one do you think suits our needs?
i just want to repeat, that the definitions are not wrong. in fact, all dictionaries i consulted mention ruffles as a synonym for frills always. we just can't use the frills definition in because we have a different meaning for lace.