Tag alias: fake_moustache -> fake_mustache
Reason: "ou" spelling
Updated by jxh2154
Posted under General
Tag alias: fake_moustache -> fake_mustache
Reason: "ou" spelling
Updated by jxh2154
That raises the question,are Danbooru's english tags officially based upon American English?
The most noticeable examples of tags with the U.S. spelling:
(British ver. in round brackets)
mustache (moustache)
color (colour)
center (centre)
airplane (aeroplane)
pajamas (pyjamas)
chili (chilli)
tire (tyre)
And the opposite (British version being used; US ver. in brackets)
axe (ax)
doughnut (donut)
gazelle (gazel) [only has one post]
grey (gray)
mould (mold) [2 posts]