Read forum #46785 and forum #49461
- Members can:
- change tag types if the tag has less than 10 posts. Larger tags can only be edited by privileged and up users.
Posted under General
Read forum #46785 and forum #49461
- Members can:
- change tag types if the tag has less than 10 posts. Larger tags can only be edited by privileged and up users.
Aristocrat said:
I'm privileged and I still could not edit tag types through that dropdown menu. I think this is just a glitch in the danbooru software.
How are you trying to edit them, EvilDoRuk? I usually edit them through the tag list for a single post.
For example, I noticed the tag so'ra recently, Googled it, found out that it was a character, opened up post #1102733 and changed "so'ra" to "character:so'ra" and saved.
That changed the tag type for all the posts that had "so'ra". Same for adding "copyright:" to minna no rhythm tengoku in the same post.
This issue was one that was specifically present in the edit function for the "tags" page on danbooru ( I've been using that exact same workaround you posted to edit tag types.
I just went and tried to reproduce the bug again, but it said "Tag Updated" instead of "Access Denied" like it used to... Perhaps it was fixed recently?