
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Myony said:

I uploaded a lot of posts a while back, and almost all of them were autodeleted. I appealed as much of them as I could (which was linited by the fact that appeals cost three upload slots and the fact that deleted posts cost upload slots after a certain point), but all of the appeals were ignored.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

Update: I can add these posts to my growing list of posts that I want to know why were not approved:

In addition to these, post #7512138 was also taken down. I can understand the reason for this one, though: 3rd-party edits are against the rules, even if there is effort put into them like this one was.

I would like an explanation as to why these 21 posts are not sufficient for this site, especially since it has severely reduced the amount of upload slots I have.