
Question about the wiki api

Posted under General

I'm having some trouble with the wiki api. If I call the show function for a specific title I get an empty response back.

For example: http://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki/show.xml?title=akiyama_mio&login=MYLOGIN&password=MYPASSWORDHASH

Even when adding a specific version I get the same blank response: http://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki/show.xml?title=akiyama_mio?version=1&login=MYLOGIN&password=MYPASSWORDHASH

The list api does work(http://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki/index.xml?query=akiyama_mio) so I can sort of work around with that for now, but I'm still wondering if I'm doing anything wrong or if it's the api itself that's broken.