Whenever viewing a pool, the site title is just "Danbooru", which makes it tricky to figure out which pools are open. It would be useful to have the Pool name on the title, which would make it much easier to know which pools are open at a glance.
(Sorry if it's already posted, can't go through the whole forum)
You spend more time looking at the posts in the pool (/post/show/#####) than the pool itself (/pool/show/#####), so this doesn't strike me as very useful. Unless you mean a different title when viewing the posts themselves, in which case the problem is that a post can be in multiple pools.
I tend to keep multiple pools opened, and "Danbooru" isn't really helpful. It defitely won't hurt to add the name to the Pool's page, and would make bookmarking easier too.
Also, how are the Titles for the posts set? From a check of the source, they seem to be hardcoded.
Fred1515 said: You could always mouseover the tabs to see the thumbnails.
Actually, not without extensons for Firefox/Chrome. Firefox/Chrome doesn't use come with it. With Firefox, it's "Tab Scope". No idea about Chrome. Opera's the only one that come with it by default.