Rarity: *3 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: Attack UP [III] & Guaranteed Anti-Burn Max Limit Break Ability: Attack UP [IV] & Guaranteed Anti-Burn Description (JP): 昼は学校に行って怒りを溜めて、夜に殴り合って発散すると、 シャワーを浴びて布団に入って目を覚ますって、クソみたいなルーチン けど、これを見たら目が覚めて気が引き締まる 殺した相手が朝日で煙めいて、力を分けてくれるから Description (ENG): Going to school during the day to build up anger and then venting it at night by beating the shit out of each other. Having a shower, getting under the covers and then wake up, a shitty routine. But when I see this, it wakes me up and makes me feel better. The perished foe batheing in the morning sun, sharing their powers with me. Note: Unique to Ooba Juri