Rarity: *4 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: N/A Max Limit Break Ability: Magia Damage UP [V] & Accele MP Gain UP [IV] Description (JP): それは、さよならに関するひとつの寓話 どんな出会いも、どんな別れも、すべてはそのとき、一度かぎり それでもやり直したいと願う人の性を、責める権利は誰にもない すべてはまっすぐ前を向いて、新たな一歩を踏み出すため Description (ENG): It's a fable about goodbyes Every encounter, every parting, everything happens only once, at that moment. No one has the right to blame someone's sexuality if they still want to start over. All of it was in order to look straight ahead and take a new step forward.